So! I'm starting this blog to keep track & keep inspired to get fit. I'm not going to mind the weight loss, but the health issues are the main reason.
About me:
I will be 35 this year and I'm a uk size 16, and was a 14 before I had my son 7 years ago. I'm 5'7 and on the BMI index I'm officially obese. I'm a stay at home mum and housewife but am also slightly agoraphobic so don't go out very often. There's no room in my house for a home gym and I would NOT go to a public gym. I'm not a morning person, I'm one of those who are very sluggish for the first hour or so after I've woken up no matter what the time - but during the week I'm alone during school hours. I have a Wii (with Wii Fit Plus and also Your Fitness Coach), an exercise ball and some resistance bands, and I have some small neoprene weights. I have 2 good fitting sports bras (36G so very important!), some good trousers and shorts and a couple of running tops.
History (Weight-wise):
I've been to Weight Watchers twice and lost a stone each time, and quite enjoyed it (but couldnt afford to pay for it any more). I found their system fairly good to follow as you can eat what you want within reason and just make sure you balance it properly within your points allowance. Also it taught me to always look at calories and fat levels on food. I've got an allotment and find it easy to eat well during the summer months, but I'm a sucker for adding weight back on in winter. Another problem I've found is that I'm vegetarian and when I'm on holiday in the summer time the veggie options when we eat out *always* include cheese by the gallon. I come home from holiday much larger than when I went!
Last year I lost nearly a stone again by religiously using Wii fit, jogging on the spot and doing routines from some of my dvds. It was good until I went on holiday for three weeks in a place that was, frankly, a bit rubbish for food. By the time I came back I'd got used to eating fatty foods again and had put on weight & was too disillusioned to get back to it. So this year I plan to use this blog to keep me on track no matter what happens!
I plan to start next week - Today is Wednesday 15th February and I've basically had a cold for 2012 this year so have been very sluggish & sitting about. The rest of the week we've got half term activities - visiting Grandma, going to the Science Museum, etc, so I'm going to start when the boy goes back to school next Tuesday - as far as exercising goes. We eat reasonably healthily but I'll log foods for the next few days and get used to 'all this sort of thing' - sharing it all!